Friday, August 12, 2011

Can he force her to go?? ?

My EX had never cared about our daugther before we have being divorce since our daugther was 3 months( he cheated & hit me several times). He never followed the court order visitations, he used to called maybe once a month to go pick up pur daugther for half a day Saturday & Sunday until she turn 3. Sometimes he will called to have her ready & never show up.. Continue with this for the past 7 years. Las week our daugther had surgery I told him as soon as I find out about the surgery & he never called to see what was going on. The day after the surgery it was a weekend where he was "supposed" to pick her up like it says in the court papers. Which I told him not to because she was at home resting at home, he got mad and told me that it was his turn to have her over his house. I talk to him why I wasn't allowing her to besides he had never followed the visitation rigths. I told him if that's what he wants to do I agree but as soon as our daugther recover for the surgery because I know for fact he will not take good care of her like I do. I explain our daugther about now expending hopefully more time with dad, but she refuses to go for more than 2 days like on holidays & vacations. I know I can't force her , she told her dad & he says like it or not she will have to spend more time there.. Can she be forced to go?? What will happend if she doesn't want to go & he calls the police? Will they force her to go??? Any advices please on what o what not to do??? Thanks !!!

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